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MSRoaldAmundsen - Guests

Pole-to-Pole Adventure - The Ultimate Bucket List Expedition Cruise

96 Day Vancouver to Ushuaia

The Far North
Starting in Canada, this epic three-month voyage will take you to experience Alaska’s coastal wilderness before heading into Arctic waters. Scout for whales, seals, and even polar bears as we attempt to sail through the fabled Northwest Passage to Greenland, where you’ll meet local Inuit communities.

Heading South
Get a taste of east coast culture in the US and island life in the Caribbean. Then watch jungles fade into deserts as we sail from Central America to South America’s Pacific coast via the Panama Canal. UNESCO sites await in Peru and Chile, while the seventh continent brings icescapes and views of nesting penguins.

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    • Get the rare chance to spot polar bears and penguins in one trip, as well as brown bears, caribou, and an array of birds and marine life. Explore UNESCO World Heritage Sites, experience Indigenous cultures, and walk among the ruins of lost empires.
    • Take in a dramatic variety of scenery, from vast icescapes at the poles to deserts, jungles and mountains in between.
    • From polar bears to penguins, this voyage of a lifetime takes you first to the Arctic North, and then to the Antarctic Peninsula via the legendary Northwest Passage, Greenland and the Americas. Experience the diverse cultures, wildlife and landscapes of the western hemisphere, and create lasting memories of some of the world’s greatest historical wonders.


    Rates are listed per person
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    Rates are listed per person
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    DAY 1 A taste of Vancouver
    DAY 2 Your expedition cruise begins
    DAY 3-18 Sublime scenery in Alaska
    DAY 19-23 Heading East
    DAY 24-33 The Northwest Passage
    DAY 34-41 Greenland and Atlantic Canada
    DAY 42-49 Halifax to Boston
    DAY 50-53 Sail the eastern seaboard
    DAY 54-65 Miami and Central America
    DAY 66-79 From Colón to Valparaíso
    DAY 80-89 Cruising the Chilean fjords
    DAY 90-93 Antarctica: another world
    DAY 94-95 Sailing towards Ushuaia
    DAY 96 From Ushuaia to Buenos Aires

    DAY 1
    A taste of Vancouver
    Enjoy British Columbia’s largest city
    Your grand adventure starts with an overnight stay in Vancouver, a bustling and beautiful seaport city set against steep mountains.
    Vancouver's various neighbourhoods buzz with world-class farm-to-table cuisine. Don’t miss Gastown, Vancouver’s Victorian neighbourhood. Here you'll find the 553-foot Vancouver Lookout, which offers a perfect 360-degree panoramic view over the city.
    If you have time, why not arrive a few days prior and join one of our optional, special Pre-Programmes.

    DAY 2
    Your expedition cruise begins
    Explore Vancouver further and launch your adventure
    After an enjoyable breakfast at your hotel, we will take you on a city tour to take in the main highlights of fabulous Vancouver.
    The excursion will end at the pier where MS Roald Amundsen awaits you. Settle in and take your time to get to know the ship, locating the Science Center, gym and restaurants.
    Our knowledgeable Expedition Team will lead the way on excursions and landings. Get to know them and enjoy a tasty welcome dinner. Afterwards, you can kick back and relax, your grand adventure is underway.

    DAY 3-18
    Sublime scenery in Alaska
    Discover the Inside Passage, bears & the Aleutian Islands
    The Inside Passage coastal route takes us through the great North American Pacific Fjordland, a protected stretch of water over 930 miles long. Unlike other cruises that pass through at night, you’ll be able to view the sublime scenery in all its glory during the day.
    Our smaller expedition ship allows us to reach areas that larger vessels can’t, meaning you’ll get to explore lesser-travelled channels with breathtaking scenery. Keep your cameras and binoculars at the ready to catch sight of dolphins, porpoises, orcas and humpback whales.
    Weather permitting, our journey to Alaska will include the following exciting destinations.

    Misty Fjords
    Part of the Tongass National Forest, Misty Fjords is a pristine wilderness of evergreens, waterfalls and snow-capped peaks, and it’s rich in wildlife. You’ll scan for mountain goats, bears and moose as you explore. The waters are home to Pacific salmon, otters, sea lions, harbour seals, orcas and Dall’s porpoises. Skywards, you might spot herons and Bald Eagles.
    Weather permitting, you'll join the Expedition Team to tour Misty Fjords in our small expedition boats, or take kayaks out.

    Visit the local museum to learn more about Wrangell's fascinating past. Now part of the United States, in the past it has been governed by Britain, Russia and the Tlingit people. Cross to Shakes Island, where the Chief Shakes Tribal House and totem poles tell the story of the Indigenous Tlingit people.
    Hikers will enjoy the nature trails, surrounded by alluring scenery at the mouth of Stikine River, and at the foot of Mount Dewey to the edge of the rainforest. And only a mile outside of Wrangell, you'll seek out the ancient rock carvings at the incredible Petroglyph Beach.

    Surrounded by Tongass National Forest, Sitka is only accessible by sea or air, and you’ll see stunning views of the Sisters Mountains and Mount Edgecumbe volcano out on deck.
    Discover Sitka's fascinating history with our Expedition Team. Inhabited by the Tlingit people for 10,000 years, it was occupied by Russia in 1804 before being sold to America after the Crimean War, and today blends all three cultures. Visit the Russian Orthodox cathedral and Russian Bishop's House. Admire ornate Haida and Tlingit totem poles at Sitka National Historical Park, or enjoy a walking trail through the forest to the ocean.

    Icy Bay
    Three glaciers - Guyot, Yahtse and Tyndall - regularly calve into Icy Bay. If conditions allow, you’ll explore the bay in our small expedition boats or by kayak, immersing you in the area’s remarkable beauty.

    The Gulf of Alaska
    Wildlife abounds in the Gulf of Alaska, offering unrivalled photography opportunities. Humpback whales, orcas, Steller sea lions, sea otters and harbour seals lazing on floating chunks of ice are often seen in these waters.
    Enjoy the views from out on deck or from the Explorer Lounge & Bar. See if you can spot all three species of North Pacific albatross. The Laysan and Black-footed Albatross are often sighted, but the Short-tailed Albatross is harder to spot.

    Kodiak Island got its nickname, the ‘Emerald Isle’, due to its Spruce forests and grasslands. Discover the island’s rich Indigenous heritage at the Alutiiq Museum, or visit the 1808 Kodiak History Museum, housed in the oldest standing building in the state. You can also visit Fort Abercrombie State Historical Park, with its strategic WWII 1939 naval fort and bunkers.
    The island’s most famous inhabitants are Kodiak brown bears. Around 3,500 of them live in the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, which covers two-thirds of the island.

    Katmai National Park
    Four million–acre Katmai National Park has over a dozen active volcanoes and is home to more than 2,000 protected brown bears – the largest concentration in the world. Accompanied by an experienced bear guard, we'll safely scout for bears from the deck or in our small expedition boats. They might be foraging for berries, digging for clams or catching fish in the stream.
    Depending on conditions, we might visit either Geographic Harbor, Kinak Bay or Kukak Bay. Keep your eyes open for sea otters, seabirds and humpback whales.

    Perched on the southern coast of the Unalaska Peninsula, Chignik is one of Alaska’s most beautiful small settlements. Venture ashore to explore the village, where the local fishing community will gladly receive you. Chignik’s rivers are home to spawning salmon throughout the summer months, and you may see the leaping fish making their way upstream.
    Keep your eyes on the skies, as Chignik’s sheltered conditions and plentiful fish support an abundant population of Bald Eagles. You should also watch for tracks from the local bear population, which can frequently be seen close to the settlement.

    Unga Village is a wild and deserted settlement on the southern end of Unga Island. It was settled by Aleuts in 1833 but was abandoned in 1969 as subsistence fishing proved insufficient to support living here.
    Today, a carpet of pink lousewort, fireweed and other wildflowers surround the abandoned shacks as nature has gradually taken over. Experience the eerie beauty of this place during a nature landing with our small expedition boats.

    Dutch Harbor
    With a volcano as its backdrop, America's largest fishing port – Dutch Harbor – is a fascinating place to visit. Here, you’ll learn about the local Indigenous Unungan people at the Museum of the Aleutians. Visit the Russian Orthodox Cathedral or tour the WWII museum commemorating the battle that took place here in 1942.
    Scout for Bald Eagles and puffins in the skies. Foxes, lemmings and wild horses thrive on land, and whales, sea lions and porpoises in the waters.

    St Paul
    St Paul is home to the largest Aleut community in the US, numbering around 400. You can visit the historical remains of barabaras here – traditional dwellings built half-underground to protect against the sea winds.
    St Paul is also designated an Important Bird Area, and around 300 species of migrating birds use it as a resting point. Scan for Horned and Tufted Puffins, the Pribilof Sandpiper and the rare Red-legged Kittiwake. On the shore, you may find northern fur seals – half the world's population of these charming animals live on these islands.

    St Matthew
    Part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge and 200 miles from the nearest village, St Matthew Island is wild and remote. You'll see traces of abandoned buildings between black sand beaches and wildflower-dotted tundra.
    Today, the only inhabitants are birds, including thousands of puffins, murres and cormorants. On our nature landing, you might catch sight of the rare McKay’s Bunting, which breeds almost exclusively here. And listen out for the sound of the singing vole, named after its unusual warning cry.

    Prospectors first came to Nome in 1898, and people still hunt for gold here today. You'll see evidence of the Gold Rush all around, including abandoned dredges, turn-of-the-century steam engines and old railroad tracks, lending the town a unique atmosphere. Nome was also the end point of three of Roald Amundsen's great polar expeditions, including an attempt by air to reach the North Pole in 1926.

    DAY 19-23
    Heading East
    Science and wildlife watching at sea
    As our Grand Expedition Cruise sails from the Pacific Ocean, heading east through the Bering Strait, Chukchi Sea and Beaufort Sea, prepare for your adventures ahead with lectures from our Expedition Team on topics such as tectonic activity, glaciology, wildlife protection, and meeting local communities.
    As we sail through the Bering Strait, look out for over 30 species of seabirds, including Black-legged Kittiwakes, auklets and murrelets. We'll cross the international date line and Chukchi Sea before reaching the Beaufort Sea and Point Barrow, the northernmost point of the United States. Keep an eye out for bowhead and grey whales here.

    DAY 24-33
    The Northwest Passage
    Crossing a historical sea corridor in the Arctic
    Like pioneering explorers who've come before you, we won't have an exact itinerary as we attempt to sail our state-of-the-art, ice-class ship from the Pacific to the Atlantic via the famed sea route: the Northwest Passage.
    As we explore, we'll land at sites linked to early exploration history, visit Inuit communities, and look out for Arctic wildlife such as polar bears, whales, narwhals, seals and seabirds.
    You'll go small expedition boat cruising between ice floes and go ashore to experience the pristine wilderness first hand. Your Expedition Team will adapt activities to ice and weather conditions, giving you the best experience possible.
    Here are some of the places we might be able to visit as we go through the Northwest Passage.

    Smoking Hills
    Smoking Hills is where lignite – eroded shale mixed with pyrite – spontaneously ignites when exposed to air, creating a photogenic phenomenon of smoke billowing from the cliffs.

    From here, we'll sail through the Amundsen Gulf to Ulukhaktok, where you can pick up some prints, tapestries, and other crafts made by local artists.

    Cambridge Bay
    We'll then continue onto wildlife-rich Cambridge Bay, known also for its large Inuit community, where you might catch sight of musk oxen and caribou.

    Gjoa Haven
    We’ll travel onwards to Gjoa Haven, where Roald Amundsen learned polar survival tips from the Netsilik Inuit people. If we are able to land here, we'll take a walking tour to learn more.

    Fort Ross
    We'll continue east to Fort Ross, a former Hudson Bay Trading post.

    Beechey Island
    We may stop at Beechey Island and pay our respects at the graves of three Franklin expedition team members.

    Devon Island
    On Devon Island – the largest uninhabited island on Earth – we hope to visit Dundas Harbour and learn about its Thule heritage.

    Pond Inlet
    On the final stretch, we’ll try to reach Pond Inlet and the Inuit community of Mittimatalik on Baffin Island, rounding off an incredible 10 days of exhilarating exploration.

    DAY 34-41
    Greenland and Atlantic Canada
    Discover dramatic landscapes and iconic wildlife
    Leaving Canada behind, we’ll cross Baffin Bay and the Davis Strait on our way to Greenland.
    Join your Expedition Team for more insightful lectures on the renowned route we're sailing. Topics may include historic explorers and expeditions, Greenlandic culture, local wildlife and geology. You can also pick up some photography tips on how to best capture the awe-inspiring scenery all around you. Or, just take time to enjoy all the facilities on board.
    Weather and sea ice permitting, our time in Greenland will include the following destinations.

    Your Grand Expedition Cruise reaches Disko Bay – a haven for whales and seals. Nestled in the magnificent Ilulissat Icefjord, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is Ilulissat. Here you’ll find an ever-changing gallery of passing icebergs set against a backdrop of colourful houses. Marvel as they float by in the deep blue waters, taking on different hues of white, grey and blue.

    Sisimiut is Greenland’s second city, situated in a spectacular location just 25 miles north of the Arctic Circle. This area has history spanning more than 4,500 years, and old traditions are alive and well. Learn more about the ancient Saqqaq artifacts in the local museum, pick up a souvenir made of qiviut, the inner wool of musk oxen, or stretch your legs on a hike.

    Labrador Sea
    Leaving Greenland behind, your Grand Expedition Cruise continues to Canada across the Labrador Sea. We'll enter the Davis Strait, known for its abundance of seals, whales and cod.
    The Expedition Team will continue their onboard lectures on topics such as the wildlife of Northern Labrador, Inuit culture and the history of Arctic exploration. Why not take part in one of our Citizen Science projects, helping photograph and track whales, or observe the clouds to help scientists study our climate.

    Red Bay
    Look out for humpback or minke whales as we approach Red Bay – the very creatures that drew whalers to this harbour in the 17th century. The waters around Red Bay hide a number of wrecked chalupas – or small whaling boats – and galleons, making it one of the world’s most important underwater archaeological sites.
    Visit the local museum to see a 26 ft. chalupa, and look for whale bones in the protected Red Bay National Historic Site. Why not search for pirate Captain Kidd's buried treasure around Tracey Hill; you may not find gold doubloons, but you will be rewarded with a fantastic view.

    Corner Brook
    Following in Captain James Cook’s footsteps, we sail into the Bay of Islands towards the traditional city of Corner Brook. Discover the area’s fascinating history and collection of artifacts at the Corner Brook Museum, take in great views from Crow Hill, or take a guided hike along the Corner Brook Stream trail. You can also opt for a visit to Gros Morne National Park and the picturesque Lobster Cove Head lighthouse, which also features a scenic drive.
    Before we depart, we’ll enjoy a performance by local folk music performers and storytellers.

    DAY 42-49
    Halifax to Boston
    The cosmopolitan capital of Nova Scotia and the best of New England
    The next stage of your journey begins in Halifax, a historic port and the cosmopolitan capital of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. This well-situated seaport looks out over one of the world's largest natural harbours.
    As you find your land legs, why not discover its red-brick heritage buildings, landmark Citadel Hill National Historic Site and epic 2.5 mile seafront boardwalk. Or take a leisurely stroll on Halifax Common – Canada’s oldest park, dating back to 1763 – and visit one of the city’s many art galleries or museums. Don’t miss the Titanic exhibit at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic.
    We’ll continue heading south to encounter the following highlights of New England:

    Eastern Scotian Shelf
    If conditions allow, we’ll explore the Eastern Scotian Shelf, scouting for whales and conducting seabird surveys in this ecologically important area.
    We may also attempt to circumnavigate or even land at Sable Island National Park Reserve. Here live magnificent wild horses and one of the world’s largest breeding colonies of grey seals. And just east of Sable Island is a great underwater canyon called the Gully. This 888-square-mile Marine Protected Area is home to 16 species of whales and dolphins, and cold-water coral that’s up to 1,000 years old.

    Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
    The first thing you’ll spot as you sail into Lunenburg will be the colourful buildings along the waterfront. This UNESCO-designated World Heritage Site has barely changed since the 1700s, when it was a British colonial settlement.
    Take a walk around the Old Town and soak up the maritime atmosphere. Or if you’d rather explore on two wheels, you can rent a bike and enjoy the town’s scenic cycling trails.

    Eastport, Maine
    Crossing into the United States, you’ll visit Eastport on Moose Island. The deepest natural harbour on the eastern seaboard, archaeologists believe the Indigenous Passamaquoddy people lived here for at least 10,000 years before the first Europeans appeared in 1604.
    As you explore the shops, restaurants and cafés of the downtown district, you’ll feel the echoes of history all around. If the weather cooperates, local lobster fishermen may be offering trips to see ‘Old Sow’ – a whirlpool believed to be the biggest in the Western Hemisphere and named after the ‘squealing’ noise it is said to make as it spins.

    Rockland and Castine
    Rockland is a quiet mix of cafés, art galleries and lobster fishing. Discover the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse and enjoy a nature walk. Camden Hills State Park is also nearby for scenic hikes around Mount Battle. Art lovers will want to visit the Center for Maine Contemporary Art and the Farnsworth Art Museum, featuring works by Andrew Wyeth.
    We’ll drop anchor close to the town of Castine tonight for you to discover the unique aquatic ecosystem of bioluminescent phytoplankton. You may even have an opportunity to get up close to this incredible natural phenomenon on a kayak.

    Acadia National Park
    Bar Harbor is the gateway to the stunning Acadia National Park. Gently sloping mountains and green forests are home to a variety of wildlife, including white-tailed deer, moose, black bears, and over 300 bird species.
    A hop-on, hop-off bus service is available to help you explore the wonders to be found here, such as Thunder Hole and the Wild Gardens. Or why not hike some local trails or go kayaking. Bar Harbor is full of ‘Down East’ character; don’t miss an opportunity to try one of the exquisite seafood restaurants here.

    Cape Cod
    Follow in the footsteps of Jackson Pollock as we reach Provincetown, Massachusetts. The light and progressive atmosphere of this seaside town has been attracting artists since the 1940s.
    Enjoy a unique perspective of ‘P-town’ on a trolley tour and take time to enjoy a few of its many galleries and restaurants. Take a short walk to the Cape Cod National Seashore to explore its protected dunes. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to ride a dune buggy. Avid whale watchers should head to the offshore Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, known to attract 17 species of cetacean.
    Boston  In historic Boston you can visit the site of the famous Tea Party and walk the Freedom Trail to discover the city’s revolutionary role in shaping the modern-day United States of America.
    Don’t miss out on the city’s culinary classics – try the steaming bowls of seafood chowder and fried clams. And if you’re looking for a friendly bar, then you’ll want to head to Cheers, the bar that inspired the legendary TV show.

    DAY 50-53
    Sail the eastern seaboard
    East coast sights at sea cruising towards Miami
    With several days at sea, enjoy the onboard facilities such as the infinity pool, hot tubs, sauna, indoor gym, outdoor running track, and spa.
    Feel free to indulge yourself with a treatment in our wellness area, or take part in an art workshop. Eat in style in one of our three restaurants and spend time out on deck looking for seabirds and other marine wildlife.
    The Expedition Team will continue to deliver in-depth lectures on a wide range of subjects relating to the upcoming destinations.
    Or, if you haven’t already done so by now, why not throw yourself into one of our Citizen Science projects. You’ll gather real data that’s aimed at helping scientists better understand the environment in order to help combat many of the problems that threaten our planet.

    DAY 54-65
    Miami and Central America
    Caribbean vibes and ocean exploration
    Miami is a thriving metropolis with vibrant doses of Latin American, Caribbean, Asian and European influence. This ‘City of Neon’ is one of the world's most popular holiday destinations.
    Aside from white sandy beaches and clear teal waters, you can enjoy the Latin beats of glamorous South Beach, explore colourful Miami Beach or discover Cuban culture in Little Havana.
    Look forward to the following highlights in Miami, the Caribbean and Central America.

    Belize City
    Belize City is a lively hub of shopping areas and seaside parks surrounded by colourful colonial architecture. For the perfect introduction to the city, the Old Belize train ride will take you through five exhibitions showcasing Belizean history and natural beauty.
    We’ll visit the well-preserved Altun Ha ruins, a wealthy trading town dating back 2,000 years. It has two main plazas and 13 structures, including ancient temples. Altun Ha is also rich in wildlife. Over 200 species of birds have been spotted here as well as tapir, armadillos and the white-tailed deer.

    Belize Barrier Reef
    A thrilling variety of sea life, lush cays and opportunities to participate in water activities await you in Belize’s famed barrier reef. Wildlife thrives above and beneath the surface in this unique environment. The barrier is home to hundreds of fish species, exotic birds and endangered animals including American crocodiles, West Indian manatees and sea turtles.
    We’ll stay on the barrier for the day, allowing you to absorb the incredible biodiversity of coral ecosystems. Belizeans consider their reef to be their most important natural asset; you’ll discover why.

    Útila, Honduras
    Útila is considered one of the best places to dive in the world. But you don’t need to go below the water to appreciate the unique beauty of this stunning island. Útila is an oasis of tranquillity hidden in the Caribbean Sea, as beautiful on the surface as it is underwater.
    Most of Útila’s inhabitants dwell around the island’s only town. Located on the southeastern shore, it’s surrounded by swamps and wetlands that are home to many species of birds.

    Trujillo, Honduras
    Trujillo is Honduras's oldest city and one of the oldest colonial settlements in the Caribbean. You’ll discover traces of colonial architecture dating back from the 16th and 17th centuries, including the ruins of the fortress of Santa Barbara, the oldest Spanish fortress in continental America.
    Trujillo is the gateway to several natural attractions, including the beaches of Campamento and Santa Fe, the wetlands of Laguna de Guaimoreto, and the National Park of Capiro and Calentura. This protected area is a refuge for wildlife, such as macaws, white-faced monkeys, turtles, and hundreds of bird species.

    Cayos Miskitos, Nicaragua
    If you’re dreaming of a place off the beaten track, then you’ll love the islands of Cayos Miskitos. The archipelago is part of a reserve which protects more than 850,000 hectares of seagrass, coral reefs, atolls, mangrove forests, estuaries and coastal lagoons. It’s a haven for wildlife, including many rare and endangered species.
    Our plan is to anchor off the shallows and use our small expedition boats to explore the archipelago, spot wildlife and see the impressive houses on stilts used by local fishermen.

    Isla de Providencia, Colombia
    Once a base for pirates, the real treasures of this remote Colombian island are its idyllic beaches, pristine waters and tropical wildlife. Hit by Hurricane Iona in 2020, the island is currently undergoing rebuilding works. Our visits are important in supporting local business and helping the community recover.
    Hike to the island's highest point for some incredible views. You may even encounter iguanas and electric blue lizards. Discover the beautiful coral reefs of UNESCO’s Seaflower Biosphere Reserve, dubbed the 'Sea of Seven Colours', and have the chance to snorkel among clownfish, turtles and manta rays.

    Big Corn Island, Nicaragua
    Located roughly 50 miles off the Nicaraguan coast, Big Corn Island is one of the Caribbean’s best-kept secrets. If the sea swell allows, you’ll be visiting an island off the beaten track that receives relatively few visitors.
    Here, you'll find a slow gentle vibe and friendly islanders. Although the beach is the obvious draw, there's also charming street art, sleepy restaurants, and stunning bay views from Mount Pleasant Hill waiting to be discovered. The coral reefs around both Big and Little Corn are also beautiful and great to explore by kayak or paddleboard.

    Bocas del Toro, Panama
    Our cruise continues to the clear blue waters and forested isles of Bocas del Toro. Here, we'll explore a stunning archipelago made up of nine main islands and hundreds of smaller ones.
    Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this National Marine Park is one of the world’s most biologically diverse places on Earth. Possible destinations may include a beach or nearby tropical rainforest.

    Colón, Panama
    Colón stands at the entrance to the Panama Canal on the Atlantic coast. Enjoy wandering its bustling cosmopolitan centre with hot springs, admire a thriving handicraft scene and find a wonderful local restaurant to feast on local specialities.

    DAY 66-79
    From Colón to Valparaíso
    Navigate the Panama Canal and explore the Pacific coast
    Stretching 50 miles through natural and man-made waterways, the Panama Canal is a complex network of ingenious locks. We’ll transit the canal’s full length from one great ocean to another. If weather allows, our Expedition Team will invite you on deck and tell the story of this ambitious project.
    Halfway through, we'll enter the Gatun Lake section, one of the world's largest artificial lakes, surrounded by verdant rainforest. Keep an eye out for crocodiles, alligators, monkeys and even sloths.
    Then we’ll sail towards Ecuador and take in the following highlights:

    Manta, Ecuador
    After seeking Neptune's blessing in a traditional – and somewhat fun – ceremony as we cross the Equator, we’ll then dock at the port of Manta and visit the town of Montecristi. Known for its handicrafts, you can buy a genuine Panama hat here, expertly handwoven from the leaves of the jipijapa plant.
    Wander around this smart town and take a look at the imposing white church or take in the colourful street art and murals. Returning to Manta, we’ll pay a visit to the archaeological museum.

    Puerto Bolívar, Ecuador
    We have a fruitful day ahead exploring Puerto Bolívar, a port in the city of Machala that exports coffee, cocoa, shrimp and masses of bananas. Machala itself has all the charm you’d expect from a small coastal city, including friendly locals, cosy plazas and striking monuments. You can try delicious fresh seafood at the harbour restaurants, taking in views of the mangrove swamps of Isla Jambeli. Then explore the local markets, plazas and the Casa de la Cultura museum.

    Salaverry, Peru
    Salaverry is the gateway port to Peru’s third-largest city, Trujillo. Colourful Trujillo boasts a Baroque cathedral, colonial churches and Neoclassical mansions, as well as one of the longest mosaic murals in the world. Nearby, you’ll find the ancient ruins of the Chimú city of Chan Chan dating back to at least 900 CE. On the other side of Trujillo, the mysterious Mochican pyramids of the Sun and the Moon pre-date even that. Back on the ship, there will be a performance of traditional Peruvian dances.

    Lima, Peru
    Lima's historical centre is a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site. It's a jewel of Spanish-era architecture with colonial churches, monasteries and elegant mansions. Going further back in time, you can learn more about the city’s pre-Hispanic heritage at the ruins of the pyramid Huaca Pucllana.
    Lima is also known as the food capital of South America. We recommend trying Peru's national dish ceviche, fish marinated in lime juice, onion and chilli.

    Paracas, Peru
    Just offshore of Paracas are the wildlife-rich Ballestas Islands. On a boat tour, you can look out for Humboldt Penguins, turtles, pelicans, sea lions, Inca Terns and humpback whales. Alternatively, you can explore the Paracas National Reserve, with its otherworldly yellow sand dunes and red beaches, or fly over the mysterious Nazca Lines etched in the Peruvian coastal desert – an experience that’s on many people’s bucket list.

    Arica, Chile
    Arica experiences a constant desert climate and is classed as one of the driest cities in the world. On the lively streets of Calle 21 de Mayo and Bolognesi, you try local treats and visit El Agro market. Take a short hike up El Morro cliff for glorious views, or visit San Marcos Cathedral, designed by Gustave Eiffel. You can also see mummies and learn about Chinchorro culture at the archaeological museum, trek along Playa Corazones or explore the Caves of Anzota.

    Iquique, Chile
    Iquique is an ocean-side city with palm-tree-lined promenades. From here, we’ll visit the abandoned saltpetre mining towns of Santa Laura and UNESCO-listed Humberstone in the Atacama Desert.
    Back in Iquique, you can explore, or relax in a café with a traditional mango sour and chumbeque, a beloved regional sweet. Or pay a visit to La Esmeralda, a 19th century four-masted, corvette that has historical significance.

    La Serena, Chile
    Chile’s second oldest city, La Serena is blessed with beautiful sandy beaches and Neo-colonial architecture. There are around 30 carefully restored stone churches to discover, and you can visit the Archaeological Museum to marvel at pre-colonial artifacts.
    Take a stroll through the city's manicured public gardens, like the Japanese-inspired Jardín del Corazón, or shop for handicrafts at La Recova market. Down the discreet lane of Patio Colonial near Balmaceda you’ll find relaxed cafés and eateries. Before boarding the ship, leave some time to explore the port of Coquimbo.

    Valparaíso, Chile
    Colourful Valparaíso is known as the 'Jewel of the Pacific' and is a UNESCO-listed city. Filled with enticing scents and sounds, it’s an exhilarating maze of alleyways, colourful houses and mercados packed with local produce. Take it all in on a funicular ride up to Cerro Alegre and Concepción.

    DAY 80-89
    Cruising the Chilean fjords
    Discover the wonders and beauty of Patagonia
    Starting with two days at sea, you'll learn about the wonders we'll encounter during our sailing of the Patagonia region of Chile.
    Members of the Expedition Team will continue their lecture series on topics like oceanography, geology, ornithology, and history. Pop into the Science Center for hands-on presentations as well.
    Grab a pair of binoculars and scan for rare wandering albatrosses and petrels. Make the most of your onboard facilities, and spoil yourself with a spa treatment in the wellness area, or enjoy the infinity pool, hot tubs, running track, sauna and gym.
    As we make our way along the Chilean fjords and channels you’ll experience the following highlights:

    Chile’s third-oldest city is set among the lush vegetation of Chiloé Island. Castro’s waterfront is lined with colourful palafitos, or stilt houses, and the city is also home to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites, namely Iglesia San Francisco and Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Gracia de Nercón.
    Bring your binoculars as the island is also an important habitat for bird species such as Green-backed Firecrowns and Chilean Flamingos, along with penguins, Black-necked Swans, Ringed Kingfishers and Silvery Grebes.

    Puerto Edén
    The tiny settlement of Puerto Edén, part of Bernardo O’Higgins National Park, is only accessible by sea, and the ferry that connects it to the mainland only visits once a month. There are no roads here – just wooden boardwalks connecting houses and shops. Among its 250 inhabitants are some of the last remaining members of the Indigenous Kawésqar people, and by talking to them you’ll gain insight into their unique culture.

    Puerto Natales
    Puerto Natales is the gateway to the Torres del Paine National Park. You can choose to see this beautiful national park on either a bus or hiking tour. The rugged landscape has steppe, forest and desert, punctuated by glaciers and lakes. Guanacos and rheas roam freely. Look out for Chilean Flamingos and you may even spot the mighty Andean Condor.
    Back in Puerto Natales, you can visit the artisan village at Etherh Aike, enjoy a gin tour at the Last Hope Distillery, or stroll along the photogenic waterfront.

    Chilean fjords
    Your journey south takes you through the ruggedly beautiful, broken island chains of the fjords of Magallanes Province. Isolated islands and hidden bays create a rich haven for wildlife.
    Whether cruising aboard our small expedition boats or just out on deck, look out for colonies of Magellanic Penguins, elephant seals, and various species of whale. You may also see majestic waterfalls along this dramatic and beautiful section of coast.

    Cape Horn and Drake Passage
    After sailing through the Beagle Channel, we’ll pass the southernmost tip of South America, Cape Horn. This formidable icon often has challenging conditions, but if weather allows, we'll attempt to land there.
    As we then navigate the legendary Drake Passage towards Antarctica, the Expedition Team will give lectures about the frozen continent’s fauna, history and geology, as well as the impact of climate change and plastic pollution.

    DAY 90-93
    Antarctica: another world
    Experience Antarctica in all its natural majesty
    Nothing prepares you for your first sight of Antarctica’s immense, frozen beauty. Icebergs, sculpted by nature, float in the straits. Gentoo and Chinstrap Penguins court while Adélie Penguins nest. Countless seabirds wheel overhead. Nature is in charge.
    You’ll spend an exciting four days busily exploring several potential landing sites, on and around the Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland Islands. Wherever we go and whatever we do, each day will offer something different and thrilling.
    We might sail into a flooded volcanic caldera or land in icy bays where remnants of whaling paraphernalia lie abandoned. You may also get a chance to go kayaking among icebergs and seals, or snowshoe to a thrilling viewpoint.
    Bird enthusiasts should look skywards for Antarctic seabirds such as skuas, petrels and terns. Through onboard lectures and onshore talks, you'll learn more about this precious habitat and how we can all protect it for the future.

    DAY 94-95
    Sailing towards Ushuaia
    Final days at sea
    After four incredible days in Antarctica, we sail back across the Drake Passage towards warmer weather in Argentina, giving you two final days to enjoy life on board. There are plenty of things to do.
    During your last few days at sea, you can take part in art workshops, or perhaps enjoy a treatment in the spa. Get active in the gym or admire the views from the panoramic sauna. Relax in the outdoor pool or soak in the on-deck hot tubs.
    Visit the Science Center and find out more about the things you've seen or use the time to sort through your photos and get editing tips from our onboard photographer.

    DAY 96
    From Ushuaia to Buenos Aires
    The end of your incredible pole-to-pole journey
    Your Grand Expedition Cruise from pole-to-pole ends in Ushuaia, the main city in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina’s southernmost province. From here, you’ll take a flight to Buenos Aires.
    But this doesn’t have to be the end of your adventure. Why not join one of our optional Post-Programmes before heading home.

    (Click image to view Ship details)


    • Overnight hotel stay in Vancouver, including breakfast
    • Flight in economy class between Ushuaia and Buenos Aires
    • City tour in Vancouver ending at the pier, including a boxed lunch
    • Transfer between the ship and Ushuaia airport
    Expedition Cruise
    • Expedition cruise in the cabin of your choice
    • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, including beverages (house beer and wine, sodas, and mineral water) in restaurants Aune and Fredheim
    • Fine-dining in À la carte restaurant Lindstrøm is included for suite guests
    • Complimentary tea and coffee
    • Laundry service
    • Complimentary Wi-Fi on board. Be aware that we sail in remote areas with limited connection. Streaming is not supported.
    • Complimentary reusable water bottle to fill at onboard water refill stations
    • English-speaking Expedition Team who organizes and guides activities, both on board and ashore
    • Range of included activities
    Onboard activities
    • Experts from the Expedition Team present detailed lectures on a variety of topics
    • Use of the ship’s Science Center, which has an extensive library and advanced biological and geological microscopes
    • The Citizen Science program, which allows guests to contribute to current scientific research projects
    • The onboard professional photographer will give tips and tricks for taking the best landscape and wildlife photos
    • The ship has hot tubs, an infinity pool, a sauna, an outdoor and indoor gym, and an outdoor running track
    • Participate in informal gatherings with the crew, such as daily recaps and the next day’s preparations
    Landing activities
    • Loan of boots, trekking poles, and all equipment needed for the activities
    • Complimentary wind- and water-resistant expedition jacket
    • Expedition photographers help you configure your camera settings
    Not Included
    • International flights
    • Travel protection
    • Baggage handling
    • Optional shore excursions with our local partners
    • Optional small-group activities with our Expedition Team
    • Optional treatments in the onboard wellness and spa area
    • All planned activities are subject to weather conditions
    • Excursions and activities are subject to change
    • Please ensure you can meet all entry and boarding requirements
    • This expedition requires a medical form signed by a doctor
    • No gratuities are expected

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