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SilverWind - Guests

Reykjavik To Kangerlussuaq


Greenland is the largest island in the world that is not a continent, and 80 percent of its land mass is covered by an ice cap and glaciers. Join us aboard Silver Wind and enjoy beautiful tundra walks in almost infinite daylight, cultural demonstrations, and exceptional wildlife opportunities that make this voyage a life changing experience. From the beauty of a whale passing by to a welcoming dance performed by locals, this cruise is rich with experience.




  • Embark from Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland's land of ice, fire and natural wonder
  • Sail along the Skoldungen Fjord which has enchanting scenery with towering mountains tipped with snow, ice-scraped valley sides and sculptured icebergs in shades of white and blue
  • Cruise along the Lindenow Fjord, in the relatively unexplored east coast of Greenland which has some of the most dramatic fjord scenery in the world
  • Transit through the Cruise Prince Christian Sound, which is one of this voyage's highlights
  • Visit Aapilattoq, a (very) small Greenlandic village of just 100 inhabitants
  • Explore Nanortalikto see Mother Nature at her finest
  • In Uunartoq Island, visit where the waters form a pool warm enough to bathe in
  • Visit Qaqortoq (Julianehåb), the largest town in southern Greenland
  • 18 kilometers northeast of Qaqortoq, Hvalsey is part of Qaqortukulooq, one of the five sites of the UNESCO World Heritage Arctic farming complex Kujataa
  • Visit Nuuk (Godthab), Greenland's economic and social hub, home to more than a third of Greenland's population
  • Sail along Evighedsfjord (Eternity Fjord) which is a large fjord northeast of Kangaamiut in southwest Greenland
  • Set foot on the Evigheds Glacier, which is the second largest ice body in the world after the Antarctic ice sheet
  • Visit Ilulissat, known as the birthplace of icebergs
  • Explore Sisimiut, which is Greenland's second city, and the largest Arctic City in North AmericaDisembark in Kangerlussuaq, which is Greenland's main air transport hub and the site of Greenland's largest commercial airport


Rates are listed per person
Start DateEnd DateFrom EURFrom USD
Rates are listed per person
Start DateEnd DateFrom EURFrom USD


Day 01: Reykjavik, Iceland
The capital of Iceland's land of ice, fire and natural wonder, Reykjavik is a city like no other - blossoming among some of the world's most vibrant and violent scenery. Home to two-thirds of Iceland's population, Reykjavik is the island's only real city, and a welcoming and walkable place - full of bicycles gliding along boulevards or battling the wind when it rears up. Fresh licks of paint brighten the streets, and an artistic and creative atmosphere embraces studios and galleries - as well as the kitchens where an exciting culinary scene is burgeoning. Plot your adventures in the city's hip bars and cosy cafes, or waste no time in venturing out to Iceland's outdoor adventures. Reykjavik's buildings stand together in a low huddle - below the whip of winter's winds - but the magnificent Hallgrímskirkja church is a solid exception, with its bell tower rising resolutely over the city. Iceland's largest church's design echoes the lava flows that have shaped this remote land and boasts a clean and elegant interior. The Harpa Concert Hall's sheer glass facade helps it to assimilate into the landscape, mirroring back the city and harbour. Its LED lights shimmer in honour of Iceland's greatest illuminated performance – the northern lights. Walk in the crusts between continents, feel the spray from bursts of geysers and witness the enduring power of Iceland's massive waterfalls. Whether you want to sizzle away in the earth-heated geothermal pools, or hike to your heart's content, you can do it all from Reykjavik - the colourful capital of this astonishing outdoor country.

Day 02: Day at sea (International Waters)
Days at sea are the perfect opportunity to relax, unwind and catch up with what you've been meaning to do. So whether that is going to the gym, visiting the spa, whale watching, catching up on your reading or simply topping up your tan, these blue sea days are the perfect balance to busy days spent exploring shore side.

Day 03: Skjoldungen, Greenland
Located on Greenland's relatively rarely visited rugged east coast, Skoldungen Fjord has enchanting scenery with towering mountains tipped with snow, ice-scraped valley sides and sculptured icebergs in shades of white and blue. At the top of the fjord one can easily see the retreating state of the Thrym Glacier. The U-shaped fjord offers spectacular scenery and as an extra perk, it is not uncommon to see whales in the fjord.

2 Included Shore Excursions
Zodiac Cruise with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Moderate

Kayaking with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Extensive

Day 04: Lindenow Fjord, Greenland
The relatively unexplored east coast of Greenland has some of the most dramatic fjord scenery in the world, and the stunning Lindenow Fjord is one such example. Situated on the southeast coast and approximately 80 kilometres (50 miles) from the southern tip of the country, the landscape lives up to the Greenlandic name for the fjord, Kangerlussuatsiaq, which means "the rather big fjord". The fjord is named after Godske Lindenow - who in the 17th century was a Danish navy Admiral tasked with finding the lost Norse settlements in Greenland - and runs some 64 kilometres (40 miles) in from the outer coast. Towering peaks and steep mountainsides line the fjord and appear like ramparts of an impenetrable fortress. The fortress walls do show regular breaches however, with streams of ice cascading down from above, albeit at an imperceptibly slow speed. These small glaciers offer stark contrast to the dark rock, and seem like cold and wintry fingers clinging onto what is otherwise a very pleasant scene. Some are marbled with veins of charcoal coloured rock powder, ground and shattered from the mountains and enveloped by ice, while deeper cracks in the ice luminesce with a cold blue light. As you cruise through the fjord on your ship all sense of reality is erased by wave after wave of sublimity. The dark, still waters are studded with small broken pieces of ice so that looking down as you glide along, it seems as if you are travelling through space, channeled forward to explore the very heart of Greenland.

Day 05: Cruise Prince Christian Sound, Greenland
The transit through the Sound is one of this voyage's highlights. Connecting the Labrador Sea with the Irminger Seat, Prince Christian Sound or "Prins Christian Sund" in Danish is named after Prince (later King) Christian VII (1749-1808). 100 km (60 miles ), long and at times just 500 m (1500 ft) wide, this majestic and spectacular fiord throws you back into a Viking era – flanked by soaring snow-topped mountains, rock-strewn cliffs and rolling hills, it is as if time has stood still and one easily forgets that this is the 21st century. As you marvel at the sheer size of the mountains that surround you, with the Arctic waters lapping deceptively at the hull, revel in the silence enveloping you. Icebergs float serenely by, carrying with them the ages of time. Be sure to wear warm clothing as this is one spectacle that you do not want to miss.

Day 05: Aappilattoq (Kujallec), Greenland
If you're looking for remote and remarkable then you have found it. Cruise through Prince Christian Sound to the western end and you'll find Aapilattoq, a (very) small Greenlandic village of just 100 inhabitants. The name of the village means "sea anemone" in the local Greenlandic language, and the fact that the village has retained its Inuit name is a good indication of what you can expect; traditional village life much as it has been for the past 100 years. Hunting and fishing are the main occupations here, and it is not unusual when taking a stroll through Aappilattoq, past the small school (where 22 pupils from ages 3-16 are enrolled) and church, to come across a polar bear skin drying in the wind behind a local dwelling. The village is hidden behind a prominent red rock and towering mountains, which make the village virtually inaccessible by land. Naturally, the Aapilattoq and its surrounding area are phenomenally rich in Arctic wildlife: Arctic fox and Arctic hare live in the countryside around the village while marine mammals include ringed seal, harbour seal, hooded seal, bearded seal, harp seal, humpback whale (typically in summer), minke whale, fin whale, narwhal, and beluga.

3 Included Shore Excursions
Aappilattoq Hike, Village Walk and Church Choir Performance
Activity Level: Moderate

Hiking with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Extensive

Kayaking with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Extensive

Day 06: Nanortalik (Kujallek), Greenland
There is a wonderful legend that the Vikings named Greenland Green and Iceland Ice in order to confuse potential attackers. Because it is quite the opposite; if Iceland is full of emerald forest, then expect ice in Greenland. Lots and lots of ice. Thus one shouldn't be too surprised to learn that the name Nanortalik means "place of polar bears". Although, as Nanortalik is Greenland's most southerly town, don't be too disappointed if you don't see any. In truth, Greenland's polar bears typically live much further north. What you will see however is Mother Nature at her finest. Vertical cliff walls, sheets of floating sea ice and a plethora of Arctic wildlife that amount to an adventurer's wonderland. As Nanortalik itself is located on a small island in the southern tip of Greenland, nature is never far away, wherever you find yourself. The optimistically named city centre is surrounded by the pristine waters of Tasermiut Fjord and dotted with the colourful houses you would expect this far north. Traditionally, artisans' houses were painted different colours to showcase what they did, i.e. commercial houses were red; hospitals were yellow; police stations were black; the telephone company was green and fish factories were blue. Today it is more a case of anything goes! Nanortalik locals are warm and welcoming, and are known to extent the art of Kaffe-Mik to its visitors. This old tradition is where a family invites guests into their home to drink coffee and taste their famous Greenlandic cake.

3 Included Shore Excursions
Explore Nanortalik, Greenland
Activity Level: Moderate

Kayaking with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Extensive

Expedition activities with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Moderate

Day 06: Uunartoq Island, Greenland
In the local Kalaallisut language, Uunartoq means 'hot', and there is no mystery why. Several warm springs exist in Greenland, but Uunartoq Island is the only site where the waters form a pool warm enough to bathe in. Although not as well known as the famous springs of Iceland, nowhere can challenge Uunartoq for scenery. The picturesque series of steaming pools are backed by some of the best scenery Greenland has to offer. Icebergs larger than city blocks drift through the labyrinth of fjords which make up Southern Greenland, passing as they drift towards the ocean. Mountains pierce the clouds, and the tundra blooms in the long summer days; and there is no better way to appreciate the spectacular wilderness of South Greenland than from the perfectly warmed natural comfort of the Uunartoq hot spring. The ancient crystalline rock of Southern Greenland is nearly two billion years old. A fault in the rock allows water to sink down into the ground, where Earth's internal heat warms it, causing it to rise again. Uunartoq Island is the site where this water escapes, forming a sandy pool heated constantly from below. Basic changing facilities and a grass walkway to the stone-lined pool allow visitors comfort, while reconnecting with nature. It is believed that the Norse settlers in Greenland knew of and made use of the pool, but the island has never been inhabited, excluding a few summerhouses belonging to local residents.

1 Included Shore Excursion
Hiking with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Extensive

Day 07: Qaqortoq (Julianehåb), Greenland
The largest town in southern Greenland, Qaqortoq has been inhabited since prehistoric times. Upon arrival in this charming southern Greenland enclave, it's easy to see why. Qaqortoq rises quite steeply over the fjord system around the city, offering breath-taking panoramic vistas of the surrounding mountains, deep, blue sea, Lake Tasersuag, icebergs in the bay, and pastoral backcountry. Although the earliest signs of ancient civilization in Qaqortoq date back 4,300 years, Qaqortoq is known to have been inhabited by Norse and Inuit settlers in the 10th and 12th centuries, and the present-day town was founded in 1774. In the years since, Qaqortoq has evolved into a seaport and trading hub for fish and shrimp processing, tanning, fur production, and ship maintenance and repair.

4 Included Shore Excursions
Qaqortoq Town Walk
Activity Level: Moderate

Hiking with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Extensive

Kayaking with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Extensive

Expedition activities with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Moderate

Day 07: Hvalsey, Greenland
18 kilometers northeast of Qaqortoq, Hvalsey is part of Qaqortukulooq, one of the five sites of the UNESCO World Heritage Arctic farming complex Kujataa. Between Eriksfjord to the north and Einarsfjord to the south, the Hvalseyfjord branches off from Einarsfjord. Although Hvalsey is better known for the well-preserved ruins of one of the sixteen churches in the Norse's Eastern Settlement, the church was in a farmstead known as Thjodhild's Stead. This farmstead at the northeastern end of the fjord included a large building with living quarters, a hall and livestock pens, as well as other livestock pens, a storage building and a warehouse –the ruins of which can still be seen. The Norse farming laid the foundation for the Inuit farming in later centuries, leading to the UNESCO World Heritage status in 2017. In the 14th century account "Descriptions of Greenland" the abundant fish, a reindeer farm on Reindeer Island and Hvalsey's name "Whale Island" clearly indicate that the Norse had ample food sources at that time. The church was built in the Anglo-Norwegian style of the 13th century, but is known to have been built over an older graveyard. The farmstead is mentioned in the Icelandic "Book of Settlements" as property of the Kings of Norway, and the last documented event of the Norse in Greenland is a wedding which took place in the church in September 1408. After almost 600 years of abandonment, conservation work had to be done to prevent the seaward wall from collapsing.

1 Included Shore Excursion
Hiking with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Extensive

Day 08: Day at sea (International Waters)

Day 09: Nuuk (Godthab), Greenland
In the bustling capital city of Greenland, you could be forgiven for forgetting you are in such a vast and isolated country. Nuuk is Greenland's economic and social hub, home to more than a third of Greenland's population, and although it feels like a world capital, scratch the surface, and a uniquely Greenlandic character can be found underneath. Nuuk Cathedral overlooks the gorgeous old Colonial Harbour district and the Greenland National Museum, resting place of the legendary Qilakitsoq mummies, the true highlight of the museum's archaeological collection. Above the Colonial Harbour sits downtown Nuuk, with lines of Scandistyle apartments, a bustling shopping district, the Greenlandic Parliament, Nuuk City Hall (which welcomes visitors to see its artwork) and even outdoor cafes selling locally produced food and beer. These nods to modernity compete for space with local artisan boutiques, the meat market selling the catch from Nuuk's vast fjord-lands, and the stunning Katuaq Cultural Centre, where blockbuster movies, as well as local and foreign performers entertain the people of Nuuk. Although Nuuk has long been a melting pot of Danish and Greenlandic ideas, this is a city where Greenland displays its sophistication, with the Country's only traffic lights, roundabouts and University. Most of all, expect to find a multitude of friendly people who are proud of who they are, and equally proud of the city they call home.

3 Included Shore Excursions
Nuuk Cultural Historical Walk
Activity Level: Moderate

Hiking with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Extensive

Expedition activities with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Moderate

Day 10: Evighedsfjord, Greenland
Evighedsfjord (Eternity Fjord) is a large fjord northeast of Kangaamiut in southwest Greenland. The fjord has a length of 75 kilometers and several branches with numerous glaciers coming down from the Maniitsoq Ice Cap to the north can be seen. The Evighedsfjord has several bends and whenever the ship reaches the supposed end the fjord continues in another direction and seems to go on forever. Qingua Kujatdleq Glacier is at its southeastern end. At the northwestern end a U-shaped valley has seven glaciers coming down from the mountains but not reaching the water. The glaciers had their maximum extent around the year 1870 and have gone through several cycles of advance and retreat. The mountains on either side of the fjord can reach in excess of 2,000 meters and the fjord has a depth of up to 700 meters. Evighedsfjord's snowline is at 1,100 meters and the Evighedsfjord region is famous as one of Greenland's best heli-skiing areas.

Day 10: Evigheds Glacier, Greenland
The Evigheds Glacier flows from the Greenland Ice Sheet, the second largest ice body in the world after the Antarctic ice sheet, to the west. It is a slow-moving tidewater glacier, meaning this valley glacier winds down through the coastal mountains to the ocean at a snail's pace. As the glacial ice enters the water it begins to float and the eventually breaks apart into icebergs that float away down the fjord. The shades of blue and carved shapes of these ice floes are infinite.

3 Included Shore Excursions
Zodiac Cruise with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Moderate

Hiking with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Extensive

Kayaking with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Extensive

Day 11: Ilulissat, Greenland
Known as the birthplace of icebergs, the Ilulissat Icefjord produces nearly 20 million tons of ice each day. In fact, the word Ilulissat means "icebergs" in the Kalaallisut language. The town of Ilulissat is known for its long periods of calm and settled weather, but the climate tends to be cold due to its proximity to the fjord. Approximately 4,500 people live in Ilulissat, the third-largest town in Greenland after Nuuk and Sisimiut. Some people here estimate that there are nearly as many sled dogs as human beings living in the town that also boasts a local history museum located in the former home of Greenlandic folk hero and famed polar explorer Knud Rasmussen.

4 Included Shore Excursions
Ilulissat Iceberg Cruise
Activity Level: Moderate

Ilulissat Town Walk
Activity Level: Extensive

Hiking with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Extensive

Kayaking with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Extensive

1 Selected Shore Excursion
Ilulissat, Greenland Helicopter Tour
Activity Level: Moderate

Day 12: Sisimiut, Greenland
Sisimiut ('The People of the Fox Holes') is Greenland's second city, the largest Arctic City in North America, and a hub between the warmer South and the frozen North of the country. With a young, dynamic population, including students from all over the country, Sisimiut is one of the fastest growing cities in Greenland. Inhabited for more than four and a half thousand years, the Danish Colonial Era saw the rapid development of the city into a trade centre, and the old buildings and artefacts can be seen at Sisimiut Museum, a collection of beautifully restored buildings displaying everything from ancient turf houses to modern Inuit art. The local artisans are considered some of the best in Greenland, and often sell their wares direct from their communal workshop in the harbour, where they barter with hunters for raw materials. Today, modern industry focussed on processing sea food and shipping; KNI, the state-run chain of general stores operating in even the most remote settlements is based in Sisimiut. Most residents still live in the colourful wooden houses Greenland is so well known for. Sisimiut's vast back country offers excellent opportunities for hiking and fishing, and the locals often use sled dogs or snowmobiles to get around their vast mountainous playground during the long winters. In the summer, one can walk as far as Kangerlussuaq International Airport, a trail also used for the gruelling Polar Circle Marathon, one of the toughest endurance events in the world.

3 Included Shore Excursions
A Taste of Greenland
Activity Level: Moderate

Hiking with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Extensive

Kayaking with Silversea Expedition team
Activity Level: Extensive

1 Selected Shore Excursion
Flightseeing Sisimiut
Activity Level: Moderate

Day 13: Kangerlussuaq, Greenland
Kangerlussuaq is a settlement in western Greenland in the Qeqqata municipality located at the head of the fjord of the same name (Danish: Søndre Strømfjord). It is Greenland's main air transport hub and the site of Greenland's largest commercial airport. The airport dates from American settlement during and after World War II, when the site was known as Bluie West-8 and Sondrestrom Air Base. The Kangerlussuaq area is also home to Greenland's most diverse terrestrial fauna, including muskoxen, caribou, and gyrfalcons. The settlement's economy and population of 512 is almost entirely reliant on the airport and tourist industry.

(Click image to view Ship details)


  • Butler service in every suite
  • Unlimited Free Wifi
  • Personalised service – nearly one crew member for every guest
  • Choice of restaurants, diverse cuisine, open-seating dining
  • Beverages in-suite and throughout the ship, including champagne, select wines and spirits
  • In-suite dining and room service
  • Onboard entertainment
  • Onboard gratuities


Included Shore Excursions
  • Zodiac Cruise with Silversea Expedition team
  • Kayaking with Silversea Expedition team
  • Aappilattoq Hike, Village Walk and Church Choir Performance
  • Hiking with Silversea Expedition team
  • Explore Nanortalik, Greenland
  • Expedition activities with Silversea Expedition team
  • Qaqortoq Town Walk
  • Nuuk Cultural Historical Walk
  • Ilulissat Iceberg Cruise
  • Ilulissat Town Walk
  • A Taste of Greenland
Optional Shore Excursions
  • Ilulissat, Greenland Helicopter Tour
  • Flightseeing Sisimiut

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